职场的"无形之手"又一次拉动薪金,这次是伸向技术支持的人才了。 节录自 CTgoodjobs,HR Columnists 专栏,2013年2月7日。
“无可否认若从长线来说,云计算普及必对本地 IT 就业带来影响。但云计算短期而言不仅未有令职场减少 IT 人手,反而更增加了企业 IT 人手需求。”信息科技猎头和人才服务机构 InfoTech 解释:“由于市场普遍对云计算认识未深,在应用时会有不少问题浮现,通晓云计算的技术支持人员和技术专家就大派用场,故目前具云计算应用经验的人才相当抢手。” 节录自 ITPro Magazine 第 54 期,2011年9月号。
我司认为现时香港 IT 招聘市场存在好些问题,例如,对热门工种如 Java EE 和 iPhone App 开发的需求很大,对高级以下人才的需求亦见殷切,供应却有所不足。“IT 技术不断推陈出新,普及化的速度快,但往往只有少数人才能够在短期内掌握这些新技术,从而推高薪酬。事实上,过往几个季度的薪金水平上升了不少,而求职者要求的薪金一般会比实际超过百分之十。再者,本地大学在科网爆破后,都减少了 IT 相关学科的政府资助学位,选读 IT 为主科和专业科目的学生人数亦有下降;反之,企业自动化和信息化的速度却持续增加,加剧 IT 人才供求失调。” 节录自 CTgoodjobs,Career Resources IT & Telecom 专栏,2011年6月7日。
我司认为:“IT 薪金平均增长率高过居民消费价格指数......雇员一般预期物价会持续上扬,很正常的对薪金的要求就要包含物价上升的成份。” 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2008年7月11日。
我司认为:“在2007年6月到9月份的三个月内,就业市场的空缺经历了健康的增长......大概可以说是自从科网爆破以来最旺盛的一季。虽然空缺仍以银行和金融业为主,实际上空缺的来源是来自各行各业的。” 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2007年10月12日。
强劲的内部需求刺激 IT 人才市场的增长
- 中文翻译
谭国翘先生认为强劲的内部需求刺激 IT 人才市场的增长。在银行、金融市场的电脑化和信息化领域上, 香港是处于领导地位, 发展较新加坡和印度成熟。 节录自 Classified Post, Market Update 专栏, 2006年10月13日。
现时各行业都有各等级的 IT 职位空缺
- 中文翻译
谭国翘先生形容现时“各行业都有各等级的 IT 职位空缺”。他指出只有在人力市场畅旺的气氛下,才会有好像近期所出现年薪数百万的 IT 高级管理人才的职位变动。 节录自 Classified Post, Career News, Modern Workplace 专栏, 2006年7月29日。
谭国翘先生有信心 IT 行业正朝着正确方向发展, IT 人力市场现正复苏。现时有较多空缺,人才需求一般来自银行,金融投资与财富管理行业; 我们亦注意到零售业的 IT 空缺有所增加。他指出:“自从2004年第四季以来,各类 IT 工种的薪金水平已持续上升。转工求职者对薪金的要求一般亦上调超过百份之十。” 节录自 Classified Post, Career Information 专栏, 2005年10月7日。
According to InfoTech, "The recent boost in the rate of employment is now having a positive impact on the sector's general pay level." 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2005年1月14日。
- 英文内容
InfoTech remains upbeat. "The current figures reflect the fact that some less critical IT projects were extended from 2002 into 2003 beyond the original target completion dates," he explains. "After that, with the sluggish economy, the major new projects were primarily public sector outsourcing initiatives like the IT Professional Service Agreement (ITPSA). There is no doubt the rebound in the economy will contribute to a more positive mood within the sector and a higher rate of employment." Most IT professionals with popular skill sets can now find jobs within a couple of weeks rather than the several months it has previously been taking. Salaries, however, at least in the short term, are not likely to rise significantly. 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2004年10月8日。
对 IT 人力市场在未来数月的表现乐观
- 英文内容
The unemployment rate has continuously been reduced in the IT sector, according to InfoTech director, Edwin Tam. "I remain optimistic about the IT job market in the coming months," he says. This is in contrast to 2002 and 2003 when, according to Mr Tam, demand primarily came from large corporations and the Government regarding large-scale projects. "Demand for IT staff from various sectors, including SMEs, has increased steadily in the past few months," he notes. Today, hot IT job categories include SAP R/3 functional consultants, OS/390, z/OS and CICS application and systems programmers and Cisco Certified Network Professionals with hands-on enterprise network configuration experience. 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2004年7月9日。
Edwin Tam, director of InfoTech Services (Hong Kong), said the CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement), Hong Kong Government projects and the overall prosperity of the Pearl River Delta was creating demand for specialist Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and JDE consultants. Mr Tam said that in the coming months he expected to see demand for Windows Server 2003 technical support staff and MCSE(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer)s as companies invested and upgraded from earlier Windows Server platforms. He predicted there would also be job opportunities for people with VoIP and Wireless skills. He said that although IT salary levels were a long way off what they were in 2000, in general they were recovering. Programmers with no experience to three years' experience can expect to receive between $10,000 and $18,000. Systems analysts with about five years' experience can earn from $25,000 to $31,000, while a director/manager with at least 10 years' experience can expect to receive between $42,000 and $113,000. 节录自 Classified Post, Engineering & Technology 专栏, 2004年5月15日。
从2003年第四季以来, 人力市场巳表现持续复苏
- 英文内容
"The job market has experienced a steady recovery in the first quarter of 2004. This has been a continuous rebound since the fourth quarter of 2003, which contrasts with the consistent downward trend after the dotcom bubble of 2001," notes Edwin Tam, director, InfoTech. "The number of vacancies and the levels of pay are both increasing. 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2004年4月16日。
- 英文内容
"It's quite good at the moment," explains Edwin Tam, director, InfoTech. "The increase is mainly from end-users. Some companies are leaving out the restraints [formerly] being imposed on permanent head-counts." Helped by "quite good" IT sector conditions and the current rise in stock prices in the United States, Mr Tam notes that the vendor side outlook remains optimistic. "Sooner or later, this may have a positive impact on the IT sector in Hong Kong, [and positions] such as computer vendors or systems integrators." 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2003年10月10日。
从2000年以来, 薪金水平在各层面已下调百分之三十至四十
- 英文内容
The IT sector is becoming increasingly competitive and healthy, says Edwin Tam, director, InfoTech Services (Hong Kong) Limited, although salaries have been reduced by 30-40 percent since 2000 across all levels of seniority. "The mid-term prospect is optimistic," he comments. According to him, competition from Shenzhen, in mainland China, is becoming less attractive, due to rising salary levels for technical support across the border. 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2003年7月4日。
更多销售和市场推广的高中级 IT 人才移到内地市场发展
- 英文内容
Edwin Tam, director of InfoTech Services (Hong Kong) Ltd. said, "More middle to top-level IT sales and marketing professionals are serving the China market, particularly in Shanghai and Beijing, and many are [employed by] multinational computer/telecom vendors and high-tech companies. But few IT technical professionals have relocated to the Mainland." 节录自 Career Times, Market Review 专栏, 2003年1月10日。
王家成先生是我司的一位高级系统分析师,他获香港理工大学电子计算学系邀请于2002年4月19日主持一个名为 - 内地软件开发人员面面观 - 的职业讲座。王先生在中国内地资讯科技行业具有超过10年的宝贵工作经验,他对内地资讯科技行业的工作环境具有深入和直接的了解。
科网爆破两年了,香港信息技术行业的宏观情况,再进一步微观分析行业内各种职位的工作内容和工资水平。 节录自 Recruit 招职杂志第38期,2002年3月15日,封面故事。
了解在科网爆破和“911”事件后,香港信息技术行业的近况,市场缩少了么,会反弹吗?职场还需要些什么技术和人才? 节录自经济日报 IT Times,2001年12月5日,封面故事。
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